• Memorial Tribute Concert: Live at New England Conservatory

    Catalog #: NV5811

    Release Date: May 1, 2009

    20th Century
    Piano Trio

    Donald Martino composer Peter Homans composer Malcolm Peyton composer Recorded live May 8, 2007 at Jordan Hall, New England Conservatory, Boston, MA Engineering for “Quintino” and “Serenata Concertante”: Frank Cunningham Photos courtesy of the Martino family Special thanks to Peter Homans and Lora [...]

  • Pheonix Ensemble

    Catalog #: NV6076

    Release Date: February 10, 2017

    20th Century
    String Quartet
    Wind Ensemble

    Navona Records is proud to present PHOENIX ENSEMBLE: CHAMBER WORKS OF HENRI MARTEAU AND ALEXANDER ZEMLINSKY. The Phoenix Ensemble is a mixed instrument chamber music ensemble. Founded in 1991 by New York-based clarinetist Mark Lieb, the Phoenix Ensemble aims to “inspire a new and diverse audience for classical music.” They undertake this challenge by presenting two works by late romantic French composer Henri Marteau, who is relatively unknown in the music world, as well as presenting one work by Austrian composer Alexander Zemlinsky. Both composers were active at the turn of the 19th century.

  • Elegia

    Catalog #: NV6120

    Release Date: September 8, 2017

    20th Century

    Clarinetist Christopher Nichols makes his PARMA and Navona Records debut with ELEGIA, a compilation of Italian, French, and American clarinet works spanning two centuries. These works include repertoire standards, little-recorded rarities, and recent music from contemporary composer Kevin Cope. Collaborative pianist Julie Nishimura joins Nichols for these recordings.

  • Clarinet Quintets

    Catalog #: NV6193

    Release Date: November 9, 2018

    20th Century

    The Phoenix Ensemble’s latest album JOHANNES BRAHMS / ELLIOTT CARTER: CLARINET QUINTETS is, of course, masterful. The Phoenix Ensemble now looks back on almost three decades of being a fixture in the national chamber music scene, focusing on performances and recordings of 20th- and 21st-century music. Indeed, it may be this particular specialization in complex musical structures that allows the musicians to explore Brahms' late quintet with the previously unheard thoroughness and careful reconnaissance displayed on this album.

  • Last Notes

    Catalog #: NV6431

    Release Date: May 27, 2022

    20th Century
    Solo Instrumental

    Navona Records presents LAST NOTES, an album tracing the musical footprint of composer Eric Biddington’s compositional history through revived works of the past. Some written nearly 30 years ago, the unearthed gems featured on this album speak in a fresh tone, effusing elegance and thoughtfulness across varied orchestrations and moods. From the tender sentiments teeming in Peace for Julie to the playful nature of A Little Dance and his deeply moving passages for bassoon and piano, Biddington covers a wide gamut of expression in these chamber works.

  • That’s a Different Groove

    Catalog #: NV6712

    Release Date: March 7, 2025

    20th Century
    Small Ensemble

    THAT’S A DIFFERENT GROOVE from Marcus Eley presents clarinet works from jazz legends Alvin Batiste, David N. Baker, Yusef Lateef, and Oliver Nelson. Eley deftly reimagines these compositions in a chamber music setting. The album’s unifying theme is “groove,” the term musicians use to describe that elusive feeling of finding the rhythmic sweet-spot. Alvin Batiste’s Swing in the Abstract gives listeners a taste of New Orleans, while Yusef Lateef’s reinterpretation of Brahms invites us to consider new ways of hearing a centuries-old work. Transcending genre boundaries, THAT’S A DIFFERENT GROOVE is a bold, yet nuanced, series of performances spotlighting the jazz clarinet.